Record a data verification point using the Visible Text option for the table cell containing the book. 对包含该书的表格单元使用可见文本选项来记录数据验证点。
Now, if I want to play in a4th edition game, that's not going to be an option for me until some nebulous later date, and I'll have to buy a separate book to do so? 现在,如果我想发挥,在第4版的游戏,不会是一种不错的选择,我才有些模糊不清,稍后日期,我可以有另外购买图书这样做呢?
You will have the option to include a location ID when you add an address to your address book. 您新增地址到通讯录时,会有选项让您将地点id放到通讯录中。